I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be teaching a circuit class. Aerobics, step and spinning – yes. But circuit? Never.
Teaching step aerobics used to be my happy place, and I loved nothing more than preparing new routines for my classes. I would place my step in the middle of the living room and spend hours jumping up and down, making up new combinations and practicing until it was perfect.
Before a class, I’d turn up an hour early, so I could practice again in my space, making sure I knew everything off by heart, before excitedly teaching it to my girls. It was pretty much my dream job.
Teaching circuit classes
But when I started working as a Fitness Instructor the thought of teaching a circuit class filled me with dread. I wouldn’t have the privacy of a studio, I’d be teaching in the middle of the gym where everyone could see. Hello, introvert nightmare!
But over time, it’s gotten a little easier, and sometimes, I even enjoy them. I just don’t shout that part too loudly at work.
Because each instructor has their own style of teaching, it means no two classes are the same. It keeps the members on their toes! Some instructors like to focus on the upper body, while others like to concentrate on the lower body. Personally, (at the moment) I’m a fan of doing a full body circuit. I make sure people walk away with a feeling that every muscle group has been worked. Also, the more core the better.
They’re mixed ability classes, so anyone can turn up. This just means I plan my classes as best as I can and offer low impact options, along with a couple of different weight options too. Obviously, if someone with a specific injury turns up, they get given an alternative exercise that’s suitable to their needs.
Teaching circuits is still quite new to me, but so far, I’ve had good feedback.
The 30-minute circuit
The following circuit was for a lunchtime express class (excluding warm-up and cool down), where people like to get in and get out. We spent a couple of minutes warming up with some jogging, jacks, high knees and lunges, along with some shoulder mobility and finished with a few minutes cooling down and some stretches.
The circuit was completed 3 times. Each exercise lasted 45-seconds with 15-seconds of rest in-between, followed by a 1-minute rest at the end of each full circuit.
- Mountain climbers
- Squat jumps
- Walk-outs into press ups
- Jacks with light weights (arms no higher than shoulders)
- Plank with shoulder taps
- Burpees
- Plank jacks
- Weighted Russian twists with kettlebell
- Tricep dips on a box
- Skipping
People who take part in the lunchtime circuit classes are normally the hardcore exercisers. They want to get the most out of their class before heading off and getting ready for work again. They push themselves hard and it’s good to see them giving it everything they have in the time available.
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