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Personal Development Well-being

My Fitness Journey

My fitness journey started roughly 24 years ago when I was about 15 years old. As I write these words I find it difficult to believe I’ve been exercising and keeping myself fit for over half my life. I always thought I wasn’t particularly…

Well-being Wellbeing

What does your run feel like?

The Warm Up As I start to warm up I begin to work through my checklist. Pain in left knee? Check. Pain in left hip flexor? Check. Sciatic twinges in my right side? Check. Numbness in right big toe? Oh. This one doesn’t always…


Rediscovering my love of running

Sometimes, the hardest thing about a run is the act of putting your trainers on and leaving the house. You’re tired, it’s cold and last night’s take-away didn’t agree with you. But more than anything else, you just can’t face running those bloody hills.…