The Warm Up As I start to warm up I begin to work through my checklist. Pain in left knee? Check. Pain in left hip flexor? Check. Sciatic twinges in my right side? Check. Numbness in right big toe? Oh. This one doesn’t always…
Personal Development Personal Ramblings Wellbeing
10 Things I’ve Finally Accepted About My Introverted Personality
When I first read Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain, I found myself nodding along in agreement. I breathed a sigh of relief as so many things clicked into place. I saw parts of my…
I have a love-hate relationship with meditation. Well, perhaps hate is a strong word. Maybe it’s more of a love/can’t be arsed attitude with it. Even though I know I feel so much better when I’m regular with my practice, sometimes I convince myself…
The older I get, each year seems to pass by in the blink of an eye. I’m constantly aware of the many things I still want to achieve and quite honestly, I feel like time is running away from me. Hours turn into days,…