Everyday Life Personal Development Wellbeing

So, that was August….

The older I get, each year seems to pass by in the blink of an eye. I’m constantly aware of the many things I still want to achieve and quite honestly, I feel like time is running away from me. Hours turn into days, days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months. The older I get, the more anxious I become about trying to figure out how I can steer myself in the direction of the dreams I…

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Everyday Life UK Travel

A Day Out At Yorkshire Sculpture Park

As I stood looking out across fields of green, my heart sank. Nothing. Judging by the photos on the website I thought they would be the centre-piece of the park, but they weren’t. I knew I’d left it a little late as the exhibition had already been on for a number of months, but I was certain I’d still get to see at least some of the sculptures. I sulked like a small child for a few moments, they were…

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Vegan Lifestyle Well-being

My Sunday Morning Routine And Easy To Make Protein Bars

While most people use Sunday morning to have a much-needed lie-in or recover from a hangover or have a lie in because they have a hangover, I much prefer to get up early, put my trainers on and head out for a run. The best part of the day (in my humble opinion), is the morning. It’s full of new possibilities and I find if my morning starts off well, the rest of the day follows suit. Also, there’s something…

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Everyday Life UK Travel

A Day Out At Powis Castle and Garden

If there’s an opportunity to visit a National Trust garden, I’m there. With my camera in hand, I love nothing more than having a meander around the pretty floral grounds getting lost in my own little world. I’m pretty sure I make the worst company ever. Wandering off to explore as many pathways as possible, I regularly leave my daytime playmate to entertain themselves. While I love the gardens, my best friend is more partial to castles. Whenever we go…

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Everyday Life UK Travel

Exploring Malham Cove {Yorkshire Dales National Park}

Walking along the dusty track with a sea of yellow stretched out in front of us, I realised it was about time I opened my heart – and my mind. Having fallen in love with the Lake District 15 years ago, I’ve never really welcomed the idea of exploring somewhere new. And even though I like to think of myself as someone who’s open to change, the reality is I’ve been stuck slap bang in the middle of my comfort…

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Everyday Life Vegan Lifestyle

5 Reasons Why I Like to Bake

When I recently told a friend how much I liked baking, she looked horrified. ‘But all that mess!’ she exclaimed. She’s right – it definitely causes a mess – but as I’ve mentioned before, I’d choose getting covered in flour and icing sugar over cooking an evening meal any day. Knowing how much I enjoy baking, for my birthday Ian bought me Ms. Cupcake’s book ‘The Naughtiest Vegan Cakes in Town’, and words cannot express how much I love it.…

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Everyday Life UK Travel

Walking in the Lake District: {Stock Ghyll Force & High Sweden Bridge}

Speeding along the motorway with a blanket of blue above us I felt my shoulders finally drop. Packing everything up the night before hadn’t gone to plan and as usual, we’d spent the morning rushing around snapping at each other while getting no-where fast. I still hadn’t decided which walk I wanted to do and my birthday tradition of walking in the Lakes wasn’t off to the greatest of starts, but as I finally allowed myself to sink into the…

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Personal Development

6 Things I’ve Learned In The Last 12 Months

On Monday, I turned 38. Thirty-eight. As I replied to the text from my older brother telling him (yet again) how old I was, I stared at the numbers in disbelief. 38. When did I become closer to 40 than 30? And how come I still hadn’t figured everything out? When I hit 30, I had a mini-breakdown; there was still so much I wanted to do and time was running out: I actually thought my life was over. But…

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Everyday Life Vegan Lifestyle

Classic Vegan Pancake Recipe

My idea of cooking is scrolling through the contact list on my phone until I find the desired take-away. In our house, Ian does the cooking. All of it. He’s really good too; I’d say at least 90% of our food is made from scratch with fresh ingredients – I’m a very lucky girl. I’ll spend hours in the kitchen happily baking and getting covered in flour, but cook? Ha! Never. Everything in Moderation Overall my diet is pretty good;…

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