My friend has a thing for castles; I think it has something to do with dungeons, dragons and knights on horses: y’know – boy stuff. But as he’s pretty good at choosing places to go for a day out, I jumped at the chance…
Driving along the winding country road that was sandwiched between lush green fields, we were convinced we’d taken a wrong turn. The signal for Google maps was now non-existent and it was starting to feel like we’d stumbled upon someone’s private and (very) impressive…
Things have been pretty hectic lately as Ian and I prepare to get our house up for sale. With me being self-employed I’m more flexible on my hours, so my days have been spent filling, sanding, emulsioning and painting. I really don’t mind though…
It was like a well-oiled conveyor belt. One after the other people were fearlessly jumping into the unknown and gracefully swan diving towards the river below. That was until I stepped up – then the conveyor belt quickly ground to a halt. I looked…
There’s nothing I like more than grabbing my camera, heading outdoors and getting lost in my own little world. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen as much as I’d like it to. Being self-employed and working from home a lot of the time, it can get…
I struggle with concentration, and if I have more than one thing to do at a time, I begin to feel overwhelmed. I become consumed by that sinking feeling, much like trying to tread water and unfortunately I get nowhere fast. Much as I…
As I sit here pondering over events from the last month, I realise just how much my life has changed in the past 5 years. In 2009 Ian and I took a month out to reconnect and basically just be. We hadn’t planned it…
Fallen leaves are scattered across the floor and droplets of dew twinkle in the sun like diamonds. I close my eyes as I take a deep breath in and feel the cool damp air make its way down to my lungs. The early morning…
Ian tells me I have the attention span of a goldfish and in some situations this is true. When choosing a film to watch my first question is, ‘how long is it’? If it happens to be longer than 90 minutes, the question is…