Personal Development

21 Day Meditation Challenge {8 days in}

Last Monday saw day one of the Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey 21 Day Meditation Challenge, and as I’ve been feeling pretty lost lately, it arrived at just the right time.

My motivation has been quite low over the past month or so and I’ve been struggling to figure out where I see myself in the bigger picture. I still don’t have the answers, but eight days in, I’ve finally given myself the permisson to take a step back and breathe.

‘Desire and Destiny’ is the subject of the challenge, and with questions like “Who am I ?” and ”What do I want ?”, it’s not been plain sailing. Well, not for me anyway. Last week’s sessions were tough. And I think that’s because last week I was particularly troubled about what path I was going to take. My business has changed a lot this year and it’s started going in directions that 12 months ago, I would never have dreamed of. Not only am I introducing new ideas and new products, I’ve been trying to win clients at the quietest time of the year. Ian has been telling me to use this time to re-focus and start putting things into place ready for the New Year, but it’s only over the past few days that I’ve realised he might be right. I’ve also given myself the permission to concentrate on using other skills that might help us out over the quiet Christmas period.

I think my main problem is believing in myself. I need to trust myself more, believe in my skills, and believe that when the time is right, things will start to take shape. Everything I’ve done up to this point in my life has led me here, and I may not have always chosen the easiest route, or made the right decision, but I’ve got here. I need to believe that the decisions I make now, will lead me to where I want to be in the future.


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